I continue to be amazed and deeply distressed as I see pictures of our "leaders" of Congress marching to the capitol on Sunday and making a mockery of the job each was charged to do as a representative of the people in their district and thus collectively the population of the entire country. I am embarrassed for my country but do understand that in many cases we are not dealing with the sharpest tacks in the box; perhaps some french fries fell out of their Happy Meal, but many are devoid of a strong moral compass and can be bought and sold to the highest bidder, Chicago style in many cases....bribes, bullying, threats, etc.
Speaker Pelosi is attired in a lavender suit with matching pumps and giddily carrying a super-sized gavel I am guessing to match the super-sized ego and arrogance in her persona that is increasingly cartoonish. She is followed by her minions as they merrily "lead" us all off the cliff by attempting to force an apparantly fluid healthcare bill on us that really has not been put in writing.....just bursts of ideas and thoughts that may or may not be included. Huh?!? This really makes sense, doesn't it? Well, not really! I have some strong opinions about the whole issue of socialized healthcare and how this is not the slope we need to be sliding down and could go on and on and on some more, but what bothers me about these circus parades and pictures is we are watching extremely incompetent leaders pretending to do something they simply do not have the ability to successfully carry out. These clowns are the Peter Principle in action......these people have risen to the level of their incompetence and we are paying the price by allowing them to continue to practice their psuedo-skills by not holding them accountable for their actions or inactions and not voting them out of office. Term limits would not solve everything, but perhaps we could get some real talent and brainpower in Congress or at least shake up the place and accomplish some positive goals and get pointed in the right direction if we could get some new people in there who were not career politicians with a sense of entitlement. If the shoe fits the representative can wear it. (lavender pumps in Pelosi's case......I think this bothers me because it is an indication of how caught up this woman is in the outward appearance, but she is attempting to pass a bill that is akin to The Emperor's New Clothes aka he was naked, wearing nothing and she is peddling nothing....smoke and mirrors!!!!!!! ) Priorities might be a bit upside down. "The majority of this group of legislators can not fulfill their job descriptions because they do not possess the intellectual and physical tools" to do so......inside quotes from a piece I read today by Frosty Woolridge, a political observer and pundit.
I think that is it in a nutshell, using Mark Twain's famous quote....."Suppose you were an idiot; and suppose you were a member of Congress-ah, but I repeat myself."
We must hang in there and one avenue of action can be found at www.blowoutcongress.com advocating a complete turnover of Congress and offering a concrete plan of action that each one of us can participate in at some level.
I love my country and tremble at its dismantling from every direction by the anarchists masquerading as progressives who are socialists/communists at the core. Real progress would mean doing everything we can to build up and strengthen our country! Lest we forget, pray, pray, pray without ceasing....
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, I will forgive their sin and heal their land.